My second AppDetails review was for Setup Commander. I had been tracking this product for years as a friend of its creator. The concept for the product actually came from a discussion we had had several years back at the Packaging Event in Amsterdam. It is an impressive solution and I was happy to have an excuse to do a deep dive on it.

See the full Setup Commander 2.0 review in the AppDetails content archive

I provide honest product reviews at AppDetails. They are paid based on length and if a video is also to be produced. I tell clients that the review will contain both positive and negative comments alongside an explanation of their product. If they are unhappy with the result, they may choose to not have it published, but I don’t write editorials and no product is without room for improvement. When I did similar via AppDeploy, there were indeed a couple of companies that did not like the comments I made and chose to update their product to address deficiencies and have me review it again– therefore taking the first as product feedback and the second as marketable materials. See my other reviews in the AppDetails content archive.